

 I'm utterly disappointed in myself today. it's like the 2nd to last class. I have a project due, and I never even touched it. So I'm thinking I'll come to school and do it right quick. But it literally took me the entire class to complete this thing. So here I am, 11:47am. I missed class. I missed doing my project. But not to fear. At least I got the project done. i feel like a fool for thinking I could get away with this. Good riddance. I totally deserve what I got. I need to step it up big time.


I fail.

UGGH!! I fail at school. MISERABLY. I don't study. I'm failing two classes. I don't even really care about it and I'm only half way through school. what's goin on girl? I have no clue. All I know is that I'm feeling very detatched from school for the past two semmesters. Could if be the abundance of accounting classes? YES. I'm failing like, every accounting class i get. partly because I dont do the homework, partly because I dont care enough to study it. I'm doing great, just GREAT in all of my other studies. But accounting, these classes have dropped my grades by leaps and bounds and I will probably end up redoing these classes. But UGH. God. Why me. Why do I fail so bad???
You know what I need? A really hot nerdy guy to tutor me. If I had that, i'd probably get straight A's. One with cool hair and really nerdy like glasses.
Ya see? Very hot, very nerdy.He could teach me a thing or two. I think I'm going to clean my room today and move some things around. It's 9pm. I work better at night anyways. I can do it right? I think I can...I think I can...GAH!
Maybe I can make a video about how grand my room is once I clean it. Would you people like this??

Fabulously 2011.


Lately, my mind's been on many different things. And I suppose they have caused me a little bit of worry, but I find it hard to really keep myself in worry mode for too long. It's not really my personality!! I've been soo procrastinating on my youtube videos, I suppose it's partly because I'm just not a clean person and my room is a mess. It's also because I feel like I look SOO fat on my videos. I'd like to lose 20 lbs before I start blogging too much ya know? But I suppose that can be apart of my process. How I am losing weight. Of course I need to start losing weight in order to lose it. I told you, I'm a big procrastinator. Some douche bag commented on my most recent video today because I said that I'd blow dry my hair after I ate dinner. As if it's such a big deal. Sorry, humans do eat dinner, no matter what the size. I suppose that bothered me because I've been feeling bothersome about my weight lately. Which hasn't happened to me since I was 12. I've never cared about what people had to say about my weight. I've never ever let a man, boy, or guy tell me I wasn't good enough or whatever because of my weight. But something's different now. I'm starting to see my weight as something that's holding me back when I'd like to fly. It's starting to infringe on me personally and I don't like being infringed on by anything in any circumstances. So, sorry, but I've got to lose it.
I've been coming up with a name for my new body initiative and I've decided that it will be called Fabulously 2011.

So with the start of my Fabulously 2011 series, I will begin my making a list of goals for myself in 2011.

These can be equated to new years resolutions, whatever you'd like to call them.
But I am calling them my Fabulous 2011 Goals.

Goal 1: Lose 100 lbs
I know that's a really big goal, but I feel as if this is totally possible as I do lose weight rather easily when I do try, and sometimes I lose weight without trying or realizing. I feel like I can legitimately lose more than 100lbs a month.  But this is a safe goal for me. The way I will acheive this sucess is through the atkins diet, continuing my daily walks/runs and doing turbofire/turbojam.
Goal 2: Grow hair to MBL (Mid Back Length)
Definitely attainable in 2011. I probably can hit waist length by the end of 2011, but with possible setbacks, I can hit MBL this year, I am already full APL (Arm Pit Length) and very very close to being BSL(Bra Strap Length). The way I will accomplish this is by continuing to do full sew in weaves throughout the year. I will not get slack and miss my own hair and ruin my progress by flat ironing everyday. I refuse to do that to myself. But I will continue to deep condition and co wash weekly until I get another weave.

Goal 3: Have super clear, even toned skin (Including neck and all over body)
In many cultures, clear skin is a sign of health and beauty. Well, I strive to be beautiful not only inside but outside. I will accomplish this by drinking at least 80 ounces of water a day (equal to 5-16 oz. bottled waters a day. I can also put in the to go packets to help me reach this goal. And for those that have problems with a dark neck (as I do) I will be using black and white cream on my neck and all of the dark spots on my body. Black and white cream (pictured below) is a skin lightening cream. i will explain how I feel about skin lightening creams and procedures in another blog, but before you judge me and my ideals on this stuff, know that it will not be going anywhere near my face or anywhere that doesn't have dark marks on it. this is to get those marks to the same tone as my CURRENT skin color. Which I love and adore and wouldn't change for all of the money in the world. (I mean it!) I will also continue during the Dr. Susan's skin care line as it has helped my skin a lot in the past few months and it is not too costly.

Goal 4: Spiritual Beautea
I want to get close to God. (Christianity)I feel as if I have neglected him and he's been nothing but gracious, kind, loving, and also looking out for me no matter how many stupid things I do and how knowledgeable I am of the wrong I do, WHILE I am doing it. If you are not Christian, you can simply substitute this for your own personal religion, but for me, this is what I believe and I need to improve. I will start praying and reading my bible as much as possible, and with time, I will be increasing the time I spend doing so. I'd like to really be consistent in this area, but I feel as if it would make my life alot better.

These four goals are sooo important to me for my Fabulous 2011 new self initiative. If you'd like to join me, comment below with your own list of goals and we can become fabulous in 2011 together!