

Oh Gosh guys, this snow is really killing me. We totally went from it being biting cold, but dry to knee length and higher snow! I hate (my state's) weather!!! It's like, really depressing. You guys have to see this crap!!

See that?? I have to walk in this. And I have to go to work. I called off last Wednesday because I was feeling sick. So now I have no choice but to go. God why me?! And as if my going to work isn't the hard part, I have to go to a job that I totally dislike. Can you see that this is not fair at all? With that being said I did get about 5 different job offers over the weekend which NEVER happens to me.
I got one where I can make a lot more than I am now, doing hardly nothing. (yay me!)
and they will start hiring in January. Then I got another where I can stay home with my grandma and take care of her. (yay me!) And then another where I can work at the nearest Walgreen's. (been trying to get into there FOREVER!) and I also put in an application at NY&CO. The lady said "YOU SHOULD TOTALLY PUT IN AN APP!!" and I said "HOKAY SURE!!" so I put that buddy in really fast!
lol. So that's exciting. But do you see this snow? How am I supposed to live like this? Even if I had a car, I'd be scared to drive in this TBH....SCARED!

Okay, but to be honest, it's really not knee length. I'm just totally surprised that we've had sooo much snow, soooo fast!!


I musttt

Maybe they can be a christmas gift!!

<div class="fs_item" style="width: 140px; margin: 10px; border: 1px solid #999; float: left"><img src="http://images.flutterscape.net/13380920a637/1968/13380920a637_1968_14255579744cc3a178833a7094650235_t205.jpg" style="width: 140px;" border="0" /><a href="http://www.flutterscape.com/product/no/4500/nissin-cup-noodles-cheerse-curry-20-cups-rich-in-curry-flavor" style="color: #FF5C5D; display: block; margin: 5px">Neko Mimi earphone (White and Black both in stock now!)</a><span style="display: block; margin-left: 5px">¥2,979</span><a href="http://www.flutterscape.com/product/no/4500/nissin-cup-noodles-cheerse-curry-20-cups-rich-in-curry-flavor" style="color: #369BAF; display: block; margin: 0 0 5px 5px">more details</a></div>

Anyways, I'm going to be doing a blog and video review on this cool new site called flutterscape.
So stay tuned!
Be healthy, happy, and pretty @ all times!
